Dgiyag Skadang 砂卡礑的山

Dgiyag Skadang



Mixed Media

2023年初的一次回訪砂卡礑教會時,Hayu Yudau(哈尤・尤道)牧師分享了他對教會戶外空間改造的願景,計畫在2024年2月退休前完成教會室外餐廳的砌石矮牆。這道牆將講述大同部落族人的遷徙故事,並命名為〈Dgiyag Skadang〉(砂卡礑的山)。經過多次討論,砌石矮牆的設計將參考立霧山等三座山的記憶,牆上還將刻上教友和長者的名字,以紀念自1936年以來部落的遷徙與生活變遷,遂邀請駐教會研究員藝術家秦政德將參與「Dgiyag Skadang」計畫,並預計在2024年2月24日哈尤牧師退休之日,完成並發表第一座山的疊石創作——族人的聖山〈Dgiyag Quluh〉(清水大山)。

2024年4月3日的強震重創了花蓮,也嚴重影響了太魯閣族同禮部落族人返山的道路。步道的損毀不僅使族人無法接待登山客,也無法將山區的農產品運送下山,進一步加劇了生計困難,並間接影響了砂卡礑教會的財務及運作。為了以藝術資源進行支援,決定將年底參與「2024跳浪藝術節」的藝術家費用,以什一奉獻的方式,分批在一年內捐助給教會,並邀請教會成員利用地震後新北市玩具銀行捐贈的積木,繼續發展〈Dgiyag Skadang〉藝術創作,參與跳浪藝術節。透過砂卡礑的山,反思砂卡礑的地震故事,回應展覽的主題。

On the low stone wall of the outdoor dining area at Skadang Church, the “Dgiyag Skadang” project is in progress. Drawing from the memory of Mount Liwu and two other peaks, it tells the migration story of the Skadang tribe. The 0403 earthquake severely affected the return routes to the mountains for the Truku people of the Skadang and Xoxos tribe, preventing them from hosting mountain tourists or transporting agricultural products from the mountains, exacerbating their already difficult livelihoods. The church members have been invited to continue developing the “Dgiyag Skadang” art project using building blocks donated by the New Taipei City Toy Bank post-earthquake, reflecting on Skadang’s seismic history through the mountains of Skadang in response to the theme of the exhibition.


CHEN, Cheng-tao


In his art, Chen reflects on “nature” and the inherent contradictions it extends, using artistic interventions that engage with nature as his method. He is curious about whether fictional curatorial frameworks can subvert local identities and forge a different kind of natural knowledge within the boundaries of art.

2024藝術家 Artists