Mountain and Mountain
樹脂版畫 Resin Plate Printing
When the floodgates opened and water poured in, the fleeing eels left trails of rivers in the muddy land. In the days to come, whenever the eel flips over from the pain of its wounds, it causes tremors in the ground, reminding the tribe of its presence. Throughout the natural process of change, fragility and strength often coexist, and our gentle souls grow alongside the mountains, adapting to their rise and fall. A mountain is singular, yet within it lies grass, soil, rocks, streams, trees, and life of all kinds. A mountain, though singular, is filled with multitudes. Living in the forest and on the shores, we are never alone. We are not an island, but a mountain among other mountains.
Ali Istanda

胡家瑜的創作風格簡練。在學期間,她經歷了各種風格的變化,不斷嘗試與摸索,最終又回到了自己的初心,希望通過作品讓不同年齡層的人有機會接觸並認識原住民文化。這份決心在她的畢業製作中得到了體現——她以〈時山月13 Months〉年曆的形式,帶領觀眾追溯布農族祖先最初的生活方式,解讀傳承的脈絡,並展現部落生活結構與漢人文化的不同。
Ali Istanda, born in the Sazasa Tribe of Yanping Township, Taitung, only realized the stark discrepancy between urban and tribal life after moving to Kaohsiung for her studies. This cultural clash from the main stream society has fueled her reflections on the contemporary condition of Indigenous people. Her art offers audiences of all ages an opportunity to engage with, and recognizes, Indigenous culture from an alternative cultural perspective. In 2023, her piece “After the Flood, There are Islands” was exhibited at the Taiwan International Austronesian Art Biennale, winning first prize at the 2024 Kaohsiung Award from Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts.