
Listen to the Heartbeats in Deep Time



Dual Channel Video, iPad, Microphone, PA Systems, ButtKicker LFE, Mask Respirator, Geological Hammer, Sulfur Mine, Pumice, Pyroclastic




深時間(Deep time)是地質時間的概念,由蘇格蘭地質學家詹姆斯·赫頓(1726–1797)提出,是對自然的觀察,並構成對自然進行科學描述的方法,而不同物種的生命史建構了不同的時間尺度,在不同的時間尺度之下,對生命的理解也截然不同。



作品協力: 混音 Louis Ossiere/Shwamp

作品顧問: 臺大地質系朱美妃副教授

Every living organism on Earth has its own heartbeat frequency and strength. Volcanoes act as the Earth’s channels to the surface, with their tremors generating infrasonic resonance—Earth’s heartbeat from beneath. Since both Taiwan and Japan lie on the Pacific Ring of Fire, home to many active volcanoes, this work uses sound installations to respond to the infrasonic waves emitted by volcanoes in both regions. It also plays heartbeat sounds from various people recorded in hospital databases, allowing them to resonate with the infrasonic waves from the volcanoes. In Heartbeat in Deep Time, we become a resonating assemblage with the volcanoes.


Works in collaboration:Audio Mixing Louis

Ossiere/Shwamp Consultant:Associate Professor Mei-Fei Chu


 CHANG, Pu-teng


An alumnus of the Department of Geology at National Taiwan University and the Computer Arts School at the Academy of Art University, Pu-Teng Chang is now an associate professor at Taitung University’s Department of Art Industry and a board member of the Eastern Taiwan Studies Association Cultural and Arts Foundation. Chang’s work, often in the medium of animation and digital imagery, frequently participating in cross-disciplinary visual design and production for television commercials, films, and theater. He is particularly interested in environmental and ecological issues, creating poetic and metaphorical imagery to confront the crisis facing our environment. He is also the curator of the Taitung Sound Art Festival, now in its fifth edition.

2024藝術家 Artists