Earthquake Museum
Conceptual Installation, Mixed Media
The piece Earthquake Museum is divided into three parts. The first part explores myths, legends, and fables on earthquakes. The second involves the artist’s team visiting various earthquake sites, collecting objects and plants, and through pressing and casting techniques, these items are transformed into artifacts with a fossil-like texture. The third part is a workshop, where local residents are invited to bring personal earthquake-related items and share their stories. Using the threads of mythology, collecting, and workshops, this project offers a new lens on the theme of “earthquakes.” It aims to provide a deeper, more nuanced perspective, encouraging us to rethink how earthquakes affect humanity and challenge the ways we perceive and respond to them.
TU, Wei-cheng

1969年生於台灣高雄,2005年臺南藝術大學造形所畢業,現為國立臺北藝術大學專任助理教授。作品曾受邀於2006《上海雙年展-超設計》、2007義大利拿坡里當代美術館、2008紐約皇后美術館、2012廣東美術館《第四屆廣州三年展-見所未見》、2012韓國《第九屆光州雙年展-圓桌》、2013新加坡美術館《歷史上的重量》、2017英國維多利亞與亞伯特博物館V&A Museum,2018《第一屆泰國雙年展》永久典藏,2019受邀於荷蘭國家博物館個展,2020受北川富朗邀請參與《第二屆日本奧能登藝術季》,2022年受邀法國尼斯亞洲藝術博物館個展。
Born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan in 1969, Tu Wei-Cheng holds an MFA from the Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts of the Tainan National University of the Arts (2005). He now works as an artist, as well as a Assistant professor at the Taipei National University of the Arts in Taiwan.
He has exhibited internationally, including at the Museum of Asian Arts, Nice, France (2022), Oku-Noto Triennale 2020+ in Japan (2020), Rijksmuseum, Netherlands (2019); 1st Thailand Biennale, Krabi, Thailand (2018); V&A Museum, U.K. (2017); Singapore Art Museum (2013); Gwangju Biennale, South Korea (2012); Guangzhou Triennial, China (2012); Queens Museum, U.S. (2008); Palazzo delle Arti Napoli, Italy (2007); and Shanghai Biennale, China (2006).
Pivoting around the idea of self and system, his work is a hybrid of archeological excavation and contemporary life, where modern technological gadgets are transformed into ancient relics from an imaginary civilization, deeply imbued with an upturned sense of time. Sometimes site-specific, his large-scale installation becomes a manifestation of local folklore and contemporary phenomena, placed in a falsified reality that has crossed paths with the ancient past. The artist contemplates cultural identity, as well as the incongruities and anxieties that ensue, in an effort to reinterpret the Information Age.