相紙 Photographic paper
地震是花蓮的日常,只是這「日」不以 24 小時為計,「常」也不以人的感官為認知。介於可預期與不可預期之間,地震是行星的規律,人類短短數十載的存在只是共伴。怎麼在有限的生命週期裡讀懂大地無限敘事,是生而為人的超能力。
從春日鍋蓋樑的尋常風景,看見百年來斷層推起的褶皺崖;從天王星大樓倒塌的軒轅路與花崗街口,看見 1951 年傾覆的天主教若石醫院。我們從熟悉靜止的風景中,看懂飽含變動的痕跡,理解時間與空間在給我們指路,生活在哪裡。
0403 地震後,花蓮港抬升 45 公分,釣客腳下的貝類白化說明大地轟然隆起,雖然花蓮境內也新增兩千處崩塌地。各種砂石此刻以坍落之姿令人驚恐。但曾經也是砂石以開採之姿、灌漿抹面,完美落成。
台灣每年平均發生 32,000 次地震,有感約 1,000 次,七成發生在東台灣。向陽的眼睛在這塊土地上必須能透視過去、探測痕跡、定格大地與人工建物的肌理,才會了解其實一切還在,星球還在地震還在生活也還在。
From the ordinary landscapes of Guogailiang, Chungri, you can see the folded cliffs pushed up by fault lines over the past century; from the intersection of Xuanyuan Road and Huagang Street, where the Uranus Building collapsed, you can glimpse the site of the fall of the Joseph Catholic Hospital in 1951. We understand the traces of change embedded in familiar, static landscapes, recognizing how time and space guide us in understanding where live occurs. Taiwan experiences an average of 32,000 earthquakes annually, around 1,000 of which are perceptible, with 70% occurring in eastern Taiwan. The eyes on this land that are turned toward the sun must peer through the past, trace the marks, and capture the textures of both the earth and man-made structures, just so that we can understand that everything still persist—the planet, the quakes, and life itself.
鍾順龍 | 莊慕華
CHUNG, Soon-long | CHUANG, Mu-hua

出生於台灣花蓮,視丘攝影藝術學院畢業、倫敦大學金匠學院(London University of Goldsmiths College)影像與傳達碩士。曾任良遠藝術工坊學習影像耐久保存、蘋果日報攝影中心攝影記者(2003-2005)、董氏基金會攝影志工、國立臺灣藝術大學多媒體動畫藝術學系、視覺傳達設計系兼任講師(2006-2009)、慈濟大學傳播學系兼任講師(2011-2016)。作品〈目擊現場〉獲2002年《臺北美術獎》優選,〈黑暗之光〉獲2003年高雄市立美術館《高雄獎》。創作以攝影為主,作品關注人類文明發展所帶來的社會變遷,呈現出時代樣貌下的奇觀,也喜於將日常生活的微觀重新建構,探討物質在影像空間狀態下的可能性。2009年返鄉花蓮生活,作品延伸對農業及土地環境的關注,現職藝術創作外,以農為業並經營品牌美好花生。
Chung Soon-long
A graduate of the FOTOSOFT Institute of Photography, Taipei and the Department of Visual Arts of Goldsmiths, University of London, primarily works with photography. His piece What Happened? earned an honorable mention at the Taipei Art Awards in 2002, and From the Dark won the Kaohsiung Award in 2003. His work primarily revolves around photography, focusing on the social transformations brought about by the development of human civilization by capturing the spectacles of different eras, offering a unique perspective on the wonders of the times. He enjoys reconstructing the microcosms of daily life, exploring the possibilities of material existence within the spatial dimensions of imagery.
Chuang Mu-hua
A researcher and writer focusing on the progression of civil society, specializes in organizing information and field interviews, uncovering stories from the ordinary. She is currently a research associate at the Citizens of the Earth in Hualien as a part-time specialist and Island of Light Cultural and Education Foundation as a local cultural and historical researcher, with her work appearing in Kilay, One Little Day, Agri Monthly, and Jimi. She has served as the lead writer for Taberu in Eastern Taiwan and contributed to works such as The Place: Hualien and Field Research Before Inspiration.