震撼花蓮 Tremoring Hualien
Tremors in Hualien: Life on the Fault Line
花蓮位處於歐亞板塊和菲律賓海板塊的聚合帶,大地的力量造就了清水斷崖、太魯閣峽谷等鬼斧神工的壯麗景觀,不過頻繁的地震,也是花蓮人的日常,居住在這片土地的人們,如何與地震共存呢? 2018年2月6日深夜,花蓮近海發生芮氏規模6.2,震源深度僅6.3公里的極淺層地震,花蓮市區達到最強的七級震度,四棟大樓倒塌,地表出現破裂。 2022年9月17及18日,又發生兩個芮氏規模六以上的地震,雖然震央在台東關山與池上附近,但可能受到地震破裂方向性效應,讓花蓮富里、玉里一帶受災嚴重。 緊接著2024年4月3日,一場芮氏規模7.2的大震,撼動全台,這是繼921地震之後,二十五年來規模最大的地震,導致多處建築倒塌,房屋結構受損,許多居民被迫搬離家園,經歷連續的地震災害之後,現在的花蓮,還好嗎? 地震是最難以預測的自然災害,地震帶上的台灣,時時會面臨大震來襲,希望透過《我們的島》的紀錄影像,讓大家更加瞭解我們腳下這塊不曾靜止的大地,共同找出防災、減災之道。
On April 3, 2024, a magnitude 7.2 earthquake shook Taiwan, marking the largest seismic event since the 921 earthquake 25 years prior. The tremor caused widespread building collapses and structural damage, forcing many residents to abandon their homes. In the wake of consecutive seismic disasters, how is Hualien faring today? Earthquakes remain the most unpredictable natural disasters, and Taiwan, situated on a seismic belt, faces the constant threat of major quakes. Through the documentary footage of Our Island, we aim to deepen public understanding of the ever-shifting ground beneath our feet. The program invites viewers to explore this dynamic landscape, fostering a collective effort to develop strategies for disaster prevention and mitigation. By showcasing the resilience of Hualien’s residents and the ongoing challenges they face, the documentary serves as both a testament to human adaptability and a call to action for improved earthquake preparedness across Taiwan.
Public Television Service’s “Our Island”

Since its premiere in 1998, PTS’s Our Island has been a long-standing chronicler of Taiwan’s land, capturing invaluable footage that preserves the stories of this island. To this day, it remains the only news program in Taiwan dedicated solely to environmental issues. Over its 26-year run, Our Island has borne witness to the country’s environmental transformations, documenting the devastation of earthquakes in Hualien, and the unbreakable resilience of its people as they seek a path forward.